Monthly Archives: October 2018

Mellow October

It’s the last day of October and I’ve just managed to squeeze in this update! I would like to say that I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time until now – but that would be a big fat fib!! In fact I’ve been having one of my ‘laid back’ times (you know, when you mean to do something useful but somehow can’t think what). Anyway, I managed a few small sewing jobs so I have a couple of things to share with you.

I had a little hunt around in one of my cupboards that is looking like it may collapse, and pulled out my rather large box of UFOs (unfinished objects). A couple of pieces looked me in the eye and asked to be completed, so I took pity of them, and salved my conscience by doing some work (though it hasn’t even made a dent in the pile!).



My first foray into the UFO basket pulled out a partly finished needle-felted landscape. The background was a dyed piece of felt, with detail added by felting fibres and threads onto the surface. I added a couple of little cottages in white felt with embroidered features. I have displayed this piece against a white stretched canvas, but haven’t fixed it on yet, as I’m not sure whether it should be left as it is, or framed. So I suppose you could say it’s still not really finished!


My next foray into the UFO basket yielded a collaged background that I created with various paper types and fabric. I think that they were bonded to the background with either wallpaper paste, or PVA glue – but of course, no notes were taken, and it was created so long ago that I don’t remember! Of course all the details were added with hand-stitching. Anyway, here’s the finished frame piece, and a close-up view.


We had a few days away in Majorca this month, which may have contributed to my down-time and lack of progress. I took some painting/drawing equipment with me, but needless to say, they didn’t get used – which was a pity because there were some fine opportunities for design ideas. I did take my trusty camera though, and snapped a few things:


I wasn’t totally bad though, and finished a couple of bags/pouches (not really quite sure what you’d call them) – that were all strips and scraps of fabric, kantha stitched all over. I think the colours reflect my Majorca adventure.


Now it’s almost time to think about Xmas gifts, and get on with my next quilt for the Fifteen by Fifteen group – so it’s onwards and upwards!!






September slipped by

September was a bit of a mixed bag for me, but here I am at the end of it anyway! I’ve managed a few bits of stitching, a few days holiday (hooray!), but didn’t manage to take part in the great north run because I picked up a stomach bug 36 hours before the run (boo!).

My month started with a bit if a mad rush to complete my Monthly Art Project (MAP) piece.  This one was created on a whim really – I spotted a piece of fabric in my (vast) stash that reminded me of sand and shallow sea pools, so that’s what I tried to create. I used a few silk fibres to add more depth to the water, then made all of the other details using hand stitching. I wanted the sand to look like it has those little ripples that you see near the water line, made by the action of the sea. I wanted to try to depict the water running in  between the sand ripples, like it does when the tide is starting to creep back in.

I hope that it has a peaceful, calm look – that’s always what the sea and sand make me feel when I paddle along the shallows.

Talking about seaside paddling, after my non-participation in GNR, we travelled to Northumberland for a few days break. Of course this involved lovely beach walks, which went some way to helping me to get over my disappointment in not running. You can see from some of the pictures the type of effect that I was trying to achieve with my stitched piece:


We went from Northumberland to the Yorkshire Dales, and some more walking. I love the wide open countryside and the views there will probably appear in more of my work later on. One of the wonderful things about the Yorkshire is the wool, and of course I was tempted (and succumbed) – buying some knitting wool, some fine wool for crafting and some fleece for needle-felting. The trouble now will be working out where to start!!


Now that I’m owning up to purchasing wonderful supplies, I should also mention that at the Festival of Quilts last month I also picked up a bagful of goodies, one of which was a package of odd strips of Kaffe Fassett off-cuts. Margaret bought a package too and we challenged each other to use these to create something (it’s our way of not having a guilty conscience about buying more ‘stuff’). Well, anyway, my contribution is a log-cabin style cushion.

Then, just today (since I’m late with this post), our latest FifteenbyFifteen group quilt challenge was published. This month our theme was ‘square’ and my interpretation of this was to depict a city of rooftops when seen from above. I chose this because I have always like the way that the tops of skyscrapers have random clusters of industrial looking structures on them. I used a selection of beads and sequins to depict these.

   close up view:

So now, it’s onwards and upwards, and attempting to make a little dent in the pile if ‘stuff’ that lurks in my workroom (aka spare bedroom), and perhaps some of my recent purchases will make an appearance!
