Monthly Archives: May 2020


Here we are again, and happily since the last time our restrictions have eased slightly and we’re now allowed to exercise as much as we want, so long as we stay 2 metres apart from anyone else.  This has meant that we’ve been able to go on longer walks and slightly further afield (though we still have to stay reasonably close to home). I must say that in our first tentative forays I felt a bit like a budgie whose cage door had been left open – nice to see teh big world again, but not quite sure how far to go!

  …..  we moved from the park, to the countryside   …


So of course, while I’m out I can’t be stitching – which I’m going to use as my excuse for not having much to show for this latest period of lockdown!!  I’ve been working on the latest Fifteen by Fifteen challenge, but  I can’t show you that until after the reveal – so watch this space. I’ve also done my usual tinkering with little pictures (and you might be able to see from the pictures above where my inspiration comes from) – but I think I’ve lost my way a little bit with these and I’m not really happy with these latest.


I think I overworked this first one and it doesn’t shout out to me anymore. This may be relegated to the ‘unfinished mountain’ to see how I feel about it once I’ve forgotten it then rediscover it after some time passes!

This one is a bit of a departure – it’s needle felted wool yarn and wool fibres. I’ve added some details, but it needs something else and I’m not quite sure what. There’s quite a bit of texture in the foreground and I don’t really want to lose that, but I think I do need some interest.  This may be something else that I have to put down for consideration later. I find that sometimes the answer about stithcing puzzles comes to me after some distance and time.


Now, for something completely different (as they say), and totally surprising to me. Him-indoors (the long-suffering husband) actually asked me to make something!! her wanted a cover for the arm of his favourite chair, I suspect so that he can rest his teacup there without being shouted at (but we’ll gloss over that!). So accordingly I got busy and this is the outcome (I know that it’s a funny shape and size but it fits the ‘commission brief’), and this is how it ended up and where!


Now on a roll as far as soft furnishings are concerned, I at last finished  a couple of cushion covers that were a challenge that Marg and I set each last year. We were entranced by packs of indigo fabric at last year’s Festival of Quilts (among many other retail purchases!), and in the spirit of resoving to use some of the things we’d bought (and, I suspect, to make us feel less guilty about buying so much), we said that we would use the indigo fabric with a stamped pattern using a nwely bought stamp and fabric paint. I did start last year (honest), but somehow I went off the boil – but now I’m happy to say that I’ve done it! The cushion pads are a little too small, as I had to get some from the internet and they aren’t quite right – is anything from the internet?!) – but they’ll do for now until the shops are open again and I can get see what I’m buying.


If you remember last time, I showed you a two-inch piece that I’d been working on, and wondering what to do with. Well ….. I decided to start puttinng them together in a little fabric book that Margaret got me started on last year (seems to be the time for older items to resurface!). I’ve only done a few pages, but I’m hoping that more will follow – though I can never be sure!!!

So, let’s see what progress can be made before the next time, and whether anything else resurafces!
